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How to Enjoy Your Favorite Summer Foods with Dentures

July 9, 2021

After getting your beautiful new dentures, you may feel ready to show them off and put them to use at all the summer festivities. While it can be tempting to dig right into all your favorite foods at a cookout, you will need to take it easy when it comes to eating. Otherwise, you risk damaging your restored smile. Read along for a few tips to help you enjoy your favorite seasonal treats with dentures.

5 Tips to Enjoy Summer Foods with Dentures

It will take some time for you to adjust to your new smile, especially when eating. So, before you indulge in a delicious plate of food at the summer cookout, keep these tips in mind:

Eat Soft Foods

Since your mouth is adjusting to a new prosthetic, it’s completely normal to experience sore gums for the first few days or weeks after getting dentures. During this adjustment period, stick to liquid or soft foods that are gentle on the teeth. Applesauce, pudding, oatmeal, eggs, and soup are healthy, filling options that will help you avoid discomfort.

Be Choosy About Your Meats

Summer is synonymous with grilled meats. While it may be hard to stay away from ribs and steak, it’s in your best interest to do so as they take significant chewing effort. Instead, reach for chicken, fish, and slow-cooked or ground meat. They’re much softer and easier to enjoy while you get used to your new smile!

Cut Your Food into Bite-Sized Pieces

When eating with dentures, don’t take on more than you can handle! Chewing too much food at once can put unnecessary strain on your jaw, gums, and prosthetics. Before eating, cut your food into small, bite-sized pieces for easier consumption. For raw fruits and vegetables that also require significant chewing effort, try cooking them first to make them softer!

Be Cautious of Hot Food

Dentures have an insulating effect on your mouth, meaning you could be eating something dangerously hot and not realize it until it’s too late. Avoid burning your mouth by making sure your food is completely cool before eating. You can also sample a small amount of hot food or liquid to gauge its temperature before consuming it.

Stay Hydrated

Water is truly one of the best drinks for your mouth and body. Not only does it quench your thirst, but it washes away food particles and keeps them from clinging to your teeth. It’s a good idea to drink water after eating to prevent anything from getting stuck in your dentures.

Are You Still Struggling? Consider Dental Implants!

If you’re still struggling to eat even after following these tips, then it may be time to consider dental implants. They are the most permanent form of tooth replacement and restore up to 75% of your original chewing capacity. Because implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone, you don’t have to worry about them slipping around while eating!

You don’t have to miss out on your favorite summer foods just because you have dentures. By following these tips, you can enjoy the next summer cookout just as much as everyone else!

About the Author

Our team at Combs and Associates Family Dentistry goes above and beyond to meet your oral health needs in the most effective, conservative, and comprehensive way possible. Whether your child needs a checkup or you’re looking for a solution to missing teeth, we’ve got you covered! We offer full and partial dentures to help restore your smile and confidence. Visit our website for more tips on how to eat with dentures.